View Profile DjEagle

35 Audio Reviews

10 w/ Responses


Nice, you made it your own, and have some good organization throughout the song, so good job man :)

DJ-Prodigy responds:

Thank you very much for the review!!!


heyyy best frienddd

Dude you know, I know your shit is always good, fuck everybody else who can't realize that people like us make tight ass music, but anyways the song is cool and I cant find anything wrong with it except finish it :)

nice remix!!!

I liked how the beginning sounded, sounds like a radio station is playing =P. I like the choice of lead you used, the song itself might be a little loud. And I think the kick might be overpowering everything. The part at 1:04, where the guy says is a loud like I said. Make sure everything balances out so you dont have parts in the song where one instrument or vocal is louder than everything else. And maybe a little too much reverb but thats all my criticism, I hate criticizing people so don't take mines the wrong way :) overall its good, just keep working on ur songs and stuff, please free to look at my other songs, I have tons that I ve sumbitted but people are bitches nowadays lol.

"Live long and party hard"


nice man!!

I don't know why anybody reviewed this, sounds good to me. People who make music like this need to be recognized instead of being 0 voted all the fucking time, cause it happens to me :), but anyways back to da review, Its very handsuppy, the lead has the right amount of volume. ummm the bass might be a tad loud, and I kinda don't like the way you ended, mostly cause I do it too much myself lol, but change it up I guess, other than that very good my friend, check my songs :)

"Live long and party hard"


Darkerfire responds:

haha I like the bass being way too loud. Yeah for the ending that's the actual ending my GF wanted me to put.. :p

thx for ur rev man =)


Good quality, nice song man, one thing is, i think the lead synth might be a little loud overpowering the other instruments in my opinion but its good man :)

Bahdshah responds:

aight! ill change the lead synth right now! xD thanks for the advice!

:) :)

if only if u had the vocals this would be a really sweet remixx, but w/o them its still good :) kudos

"Live long and party hard"



nice remix man, the song you were remixing was East Clubbers - Beat is Coming. When I listened to it, I was wondering to myself wtf is tha song I know I heard it before lol, but other than that nice man.


I think it was very good, the problem I find is that overall the track might be a little too loud along with the bassdrum or kick if you would call it but other than that nice, 10 and 5'd it :), check out my tracks mate, Ive just submitted a new one called Energy and others, cya around.

"Live long and party hard"



I normally don't write reviews mostly cause I'm lazyy :P but this really has potential. I dont understand why people voted it as a one, theyre obviously just mad they can't make music themselves which pisses me off. But other than that this is good, keep it up!


pretty good man, my only criticism towards the song itself is that the synth's are a little loud but other than that, everything was organized welll nice track!! check me out sometime.

"Live long and party hard"


Lets see I'm a firefighter/producer /college student, I think thats all you fuckers need to know about me :)

Age 34, Male

College Student

New York

Joined on 7/12/06

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